130 Biblical Boy Baby Names with Real Meaning

Biblical baby names for boys are names derived from the Bible, which is the sacred text for Christianity. These names often carry deep meanings and historical significance rooted in religious stories and teachings.

Such profound meanings can instill positive values and a sense of heritage in a child from a very young age.

Many Biblical names have been used for centuries and have stood the test of time, lending them a timeless and classic quality.

These names have an enduring appeal that transcends trends and fads, making them a safe and reliable choice for parents seeking a name with longevity.

For families with a strong religious or cultural connection to Christianity or Judaism, choosing a Biblical name can be a way to honor their faith and heritage.

It can create a sense of belonging and continuity with their religious traditions, reinforcing the importance of their beliefs and values. Even for families without a direct religious affiliation, Biblical names can still represent a connection to a rich cultural heritage.

1. Aaron – “Bearer of martyrs” 

   Brother of Moses and the first high priest of Israel.

Biblical Boy Baby Names with Real Meaning

2. Abel – “Breath” or “Vanity” 

   Son of Adam and Eve, known for his righteousness.

3. Abner – “Father of light” 

   Cousin of Saul and commander of his army, known for his loyalty.

4. Abraham – “Father of many nations” 

   The patriarch of the Jewish, Christian, and Islamic faiths.

Biblical Boy Baby Names with Real Meaning

5. Absalom – “Father of peace” 

   Son of King David, known for his rebellion.

6. Adam – “Man” or “To be red” 

   The first man created by God in the Bible.

7. Amos – “Burden” or “Load” 

   A prophet in the Old Testament, known for his visions and prophecies.

8. Andrew – “Manly” or “Brave” 

   One of Jesus’ apostles, known for bringing others to Christ.

Biblical Boy Baby Names with Real Meaning

9. Asher – “Happy” or “Blessed” 

   Son of Jacob and founder of one of the twelve tribes of Israel.

10. Bartholomew – “Son of Talmai” 

    One of Jesus’ twelve apostles, also known as Nathanael.

11. Benjamin – “Son of the right hand” 

    The youngest son of Jacob and Rachel, known for his blessing.

Biblical Boy Baby Names with Real Meaning

12. Boaz – “Swiftness” or “Strength is within him” 

    Husband of Ruth and kinsman-redeemer, known for his kindness.

13. Caleb – “Dog” or “Faithful” 

    One of the twelve spies sent by Moses to explore Canaan.

14. Daniel – “God is my judge” 

    A prophet in the Old Testament known for his wisdom and interpretation of dreams.

Biblical Boy Baby Names with Real Meaning

15. David – “Beloved” or “Friend” 

    The second king of Israel and writer of the Psalms.

16. Eli – “Ascended” or “High” 

    High priest and judge of Israel during Samuel’s youth.

17. Elijah – “My God is Yahweh” 

    A prophet in Israel known for his miracles and confrontation with Baal prophets.

18. Elisha – “My God is salvation” 

    A prophet who succeeded Elijah and performed many miracles.

Biblical Boy Baby Names with Real Meaning

19. Emmanuel – “God is with us” 

    A prophetic name given to Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew.

20. Enoch – “Dedicated” or “Disciplined” 

    Seventh generation from Adam, known for his righteousness and walking with God.

21. Ethan – “Strong” or “Firm” 

    A wise man mentioned in the Psalms, possibly the author of Psalm 89.

Biblical Boy Baby Names with Real Meaning

22. Ezekiel – “God strengthens” 

    A prophet known for his visions and prophecies during the Babylonian exile.

23. Ezra – “Help” or “Helper” 

    A scribe and priest who led the Jewish people in rebuilding Jerusalem after the exile.

24. Gabriel – “God is my strength” 

    An archangel who serves as a messenger of God in the Bible.

Biblical Boy Baby Names with Real Meaning

25. Gideon – “Feller” or “Hewer” 

    A judge and military leader of Israel, known for defeating the Midianites.

26. Hosea – “Salvation” 

    A prophet known for his marriage to Gomer and symbolic message of God’s love for Israel.

27. Isaac – “Laughter” 

    Son of Abraham and Sarah, known for his birth in old age.

28. Isaiah – “Yahweh is salvation” 

    A major prophet who prophesied about the coming Messiah and the restoration of Israel.

Biblical Boy Baby Names with Real Meaning

29. Israel – “He who struggles with God” 

    A name given to Jacob after wrestling with an angel.

30. Jabez – “Pain” or “Sorrow” 

    Son of Kenaz, known for his prayer to God for blessing and protection.

31. Jacob – “Supplanter” or “Heel grabber” 

    Son of Isaac and Rebekah, father of the twelve tribes of Israel.

Biblical Boy Baby Names with Real Meaning

32. Jared – “Descent” or “Descending” 

    Son of Mahalalel, known for his long lifespan before the Flood.

33. Jeremiah – “Yahweh exalts” 

    A prophet known for his prophecies of judgment and restoration.

34. Jesse – “Gift” 

    Father of King David, known for his lineage from which the Messiah would come.

Biblical Boy Baby Names with Real Meaning

35. Joel – “Yahweh is God” 

    A prophet known for his prophecies of judgment and restoration.

36. John – “Yahweh is gracious” 

    The baptizer who prepared the way for Jesus, known as John the Baptist.

37. Jonah – “Dove” 

    A prophet known for being swallowed by a great fish and his mission to Nineveh.

38. Jonathan – “Yahweh has given” 

    Son of King Saul and close friend of David, known for his loyalty.

Biblical Boy Baby Names with Real Meaning

39. Joseph – “May he add” or “Increaser” 

    Son of Jacob and Rachel, known for his coat of many colors and interpreting dreams.

40. Joshua – “Yahweh is salvation” 

    Moses’ successor who led the Israelites into the Promised Land.

41. Josiah – “Yahweh heals” 

    A righteous king of Judah who initiated religious reforms.

Biblical Boy Baby Names with Real Meaning

42. Judah – “Praise” 

    Son of Jacob and Leah, from whom the tribe of Judah descended.

43. Levi – “Attached” or “Joiner” 

    Son of Jacob and Leah, ancestor of the priestly tribe of Levi.

44. Luke – “From Lucania” 

    Author of the Gospel of Luke and Acts, known for his detailed accounts of Jesus’ life and the early church.

Biblical Boy Baby Names with Real Meaning

45. Malachi – “Messenger” or “My messenger” 

    A prophet known for his messages of judgment and promise of restoration.

46. Mark – “Warlike” or “Of Mars” 

    Author of the Gospel of Mark, known for his narrative style and emphasis on Jesus’ actions.

47. Matthew – “Gift of Yahweh” 

    One of Jesus’ twelve apostles and author of the Gospel of Matthew.

48. Micah – “Who is like Yahweh?” 

    A prophet known for his messages of judgment and promise of restoration.

Biblical Boy Baby Names with Real Meaning

49. Michael – “Who is like God?” 

    An archangel who serves as a protector of Israel and leader of the heavenly armies.

50. Moses – “Drawn out” or “Son” 

    Prophet and leader who delivered Israel from Egypt and received the Ten Commandments.

51. Nathan – “He gave” or “Gift of God” 

    Prophet and advisor to King David, known for delivering messages from God.

Biblical Boy Baby Names with Real Meaning

52. Nathanael – “God has given” 

    One of Jesus’ twelve apostles, also known as Bartholomew.

53. Nehemiah – “Comforted by Yahweh” 

    A cupbearer to King Artaxerxes who led the rebuilding of Jerusalem’s walls.

54. Noah – “Rest” or “Comfort” 

    Builder of the ark and survivor of the Flood, known for his righteousness.

Biblical Boy Baby Names with Real Meaning

55. Obadiah – “Servant of Yahweh” 

    A prophet known for his vision of Edom’s destruction and Israel’s restoration.

56. Obed – “Servant” or “Slave” 

    Son of Boaz and Ruth, grandfather of King David.

57. Paul – “Small” or “Humble” 

    Former persecutor of Christians turned apostle, known for his missionary journeys and letters.

Biblical Boy Baby Names with Real Meaning

58. Peter – “Rock” or “Stone” 

    One of Jesus’ twelve apostles, known for his leadership among the disciples.

59. Philip – “Lover of horses” 

    One of Jesus’ twelve apostles, known for his encounter with the Ethiopian eunuch.

60. Reuben – “Behold, a son” 

    Eldest son of Jacob and Leah, known for his role in the sale of Joseph.

61. Samson – “Sun” or “Service” 

    Judge of Israel known for his superhuman strength and encounters with Philistines.

Biblical Boy Baby Names with Real Meaning

62. Samuel – “Name of God” or “God has heard” 

    Prophet and judge who anointed Saul and David as kings of Israel.

63. Saul – “Asked for” or “Prayed for” 

    The first king of Israel, known for his rise and fall from God’s favor.

64. Silas – “Wood” or “Forest” 

    A companion of Paul on his missionary journeys, known for his role in the early church.

Biblical Boy Baby Names with Real Meaning

65. Solomon – “Peaceful” or “Peace” 

    Son of David and Bathsheba.

Sure, continuing from where we left off:

66. Solomon – “Peaceful” or “Peace” 

    Son of David and Bathsheba, known for his wisdom and building the Temple in Jerusalem.

67. Stephen – “Crown” or “Garland” 

    One of the first Christian martyrs, known for his defense of the faith before the Sanhedrin.

68. Thaddeus – “Heart” or “Courageous” 

    One of Jesus’ twelve apostles, also known as Jude.

Biblical Boy Baby Names with Real Meaning

69. Thomas – “Twin” 

    One of Jesus’ twelve apostles, known for doubting Jesus’ resurrection until he saw him.

70. Timothy – “Honoring God” or “Valued of God” 

    A companion of Paul and recipient of two New Testament letters, known for his faithfulness.

71. Titus – “Defender” or “Of the giants” 

    A companion of Paul and recipient of a New Testament letter, known for his leadership.

Biblical Boy Baby Names with Real Meaning

72. Uriah – “Yahweh is my light” 

    A Hittite warrior and husband of Bathsheba, known for his loyalty and tragic death.

73. Zachariah – “Yahweh remembers” 

    Father of John the Baptist, known for his disbelief and subsequent mute until John’s birth.

74. Zebulun – “Exalted” or “Honored” 

    Sixth son of Jacob and Leah, founder of the tribe of Zebulun.

Biblical Boy Baby Names with Real Meaning

75. Zechariah – “Yahweh remembers” 

    A prophet known for his visions of the future and prophecies about the Messiah.

76. Abihu – “He is my father” 

    Son of Aaron, known for offering unauthorized fire before Yahweh and perishing.

77. Adlai – “Justice of God” 

    One of King David’s overseers for vineyards and olive trees.

78. Ahab – “Father’s brother” or “Uncle” 

    Seventh king of Israel, known for his evil reign and marriage to Jezebel.

Biblical Boy Baby Names with Real Meaning

79. Ahaz – “He has grasped” or “He has taken hold” 

    Twelfth king of Judah, known for his idolatry and refusal to ask God for a sign.

80. Ahasuerus – “I will be silent and poor” 

    King of Persia who married Esther, known for his decree to exterminate the Jews.

81. Ahi – “My brother” 

    One of King David’s warriors who helped with the Ark of the Covenant.

Biblical Boy Baby Names with Real Meaning

82. Ahijah – “Brother of Yahweh” 

    A prophet who foretold the division of the kingdom and the downfall of Jeroboam.

83. Ahinoam – “Brother of delight” 

    Wife of King Saul and mother of his four sons.

84. Ahitub – “Brother of goodness” 

    A priest during the time of Saul and David.

Biblical Boy Baby Names with Real Meaning

85. Amaziah – “Yahweh is mighty” 

    Eleventh king of Judah, known for his initial righteousness and eventual apostasy.

86. Asa – “Physician” or “Cure” 

    Third king of Judah, known for his faithfulness and reforms early in his reign.

87. Asaph – “Gatherer” or “Collector” 

    Chief musician during David’s reign and author of several Psalms.

88. Azariah – “Yahweh has helped” 

    Various individuals in the Bible bear this name, including kings and priests.

Biblical Boy Baby Names with Real Meaning

89. Balaam – “Not of the people” or “Foreigner” 

    A prophet who was hired to curse Israel but ended up blessing them.

90. Barnabas – “Son of encouragement” 

    A companion of Paul and missionary in the early church, known for his generosity.

91. Bohan – “Thumb” or “Wrist” 

    A descendant of Judah and leader of the tribe during the conquest of Canaan.

Biblical Boy Baby Names with Real Meaning

92. Cain – “Possession” 

    Eldest son of Adam and Eve, known for killing his brother Abel.

93. Cyrus – “Sun” or “Lord” 

    King of Persia who conquered Babylon and allowed Jews to return to Jerusalem.

94. Darius – “He who upholds” or “Upholder” 

    Various Persian kings bear this name, including Darius the Great.

Biblical Boy Baby Names with Real Meaning

95. Dathan – “Belonging to a fountain” or “Fountain” 

    Rebel against Moses’ leadership during the wilderness wanderings.

96. Ebed – “Servant” or “Slave” 

    Various individuals in the Bible bear this name, often signifying servitude.

97. Eleazar – “God has helped” 

    Various individuals in the Bible bear this name, including high priests and warriors.

98. Eliezer – “God is help” 

    Abraham’s servant and the son of Moses, known for his faithfulness.

Biblical Boy Baby Names with Real Meaning

99. Elimelech – “My God is king” 

    Husband of Naomi and father-in-law of Ruth, known for his journey to Moab.

100. Elihu – “He is my God” 

     A wise man who addressed Job and his friends, offering insights into suffering and God’s justice.

101. Elkanah – “God has created” 

     Husband of Hannah and father of Samuel, known for his devotion.

Biblical Boy Baby Names with Real Meaning

102. Enoch – “Dedicated” or “Disciplined” 

     Seventh generation from Adam, known for his righteousness and walking with God.

103. Ephraim – “Doubly fruitful” 

     Son of Joseph and Asenath, symbolizing prosperity and blessing.

104. Ethan – “Strong” or “Steadfast” 

     A wise man and musician mentioned in the Psalms.

Biblical Boy Baby Names with Real Meaning

105. Gad – “Fortunate” or “Luck” 

     Seventh son of Jacob and founder of one of the twelve tribes of Israel.

106. Haggai – “Festive” or “Festival” 

     A prophet known for his encouragement to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem.

107. Hezekiah – “Yahweh strengthens” 

     Thirteenth king of Judah, known for his faithfulness and religious reforms.

108. Ishmael – “God hears” 

     Son of Abraham and Hagar, ancestor of the Ishmaelites.

Biblical Boy Baby Names with Real Meaning

109. Ithamar – “Land of palms” 

     Fourth son of Aaron, known for his priestly lineage.

110. Jabin – “He understands” 

     King of Hazor who opposed the Israelites during the conquest of Canaan.

111. Jairus – “Enlightened” or “He will awaken” 

     A synagogue leader who sought healing for his daughter from Jesus.

Biblical Boy Baby Names with Real Meaning

112. Jehu – “Yahweh is he” 

     Tenth king of Israel, known for executing God’s judgment on the house of Ahab.

113. Jeremiah – “Yahweh exalts” 

     A major prophet known for his prophecies of judgment and restoration.

114. Joash – “Yahweh has bestowed” 

     Seventh king of Judah, known for his restoration of the temple.

115. Jesse – “Gift” or “Wealth” 

     Father of King David, known for his lineage from which the Messiah would come.

116. Job – “Persecuted” or “Hated” 

     A righteous man who endured great suffering, known for his patience and faith.

117. Jonah – “Dove” 

     A prophet known for his mission to Nineveh and being swallowed by a great fish.

118. Jotham – “Yahweh is perfect” or “Yahweh is upright” 

     Twelfth king of Judah, known for his administrative reforms and righteousness.

Biblical Boy Baby Names with Real Meaning

119. Laban – “White” or “Moon” 

     Father-in-law of Jacob, known for his deceit and eventual reconciliation.

120. Malachi – “My messenger” or “Messenger of Yahweh” 

     A prophet known for his messages of judgment and promise of restoration.

121. Nahum – “Comfort” or “Consolation” 

     A prophet known for his oracle against Nineveh and assurance of God’s judgment.

Biblical Boy Baby Names with Real Meaning

122. Naphtali – “My wrestling” or “Wrestling” 

     Sixth son of Jacob and Bilhah, symbolizing struggle and victory.

123. Nathan – “He gave” or “Gift of God” 

     Prophet and advisor to King David, known for delivering messages from God.

124. Nehemiah – “Yahweh comforts” or “Comforted by Yahweh” 

     A cupbearer to King Artaxerxes who led the rebuilding of Jerusalem’s walls.

Biblical Boy Baby Names with Real Meaning

125. Obadiah – “Servant of Yahweh” 

     A prophet known for his vision of Edom’s destruction and Israel’s restoration.

126. Othniel – “Lion of God” 

     Nephew of Caleb and first judge of Israel, known for his victories over foreign oppressors.

127. Phinehas – “Serpent’s mouth” or “Bold aspect” 

     Son of Eleazar and grandson of Aaron, known for his zeal for Yahweh.

Biblical Boy Baby Names with Real Meaning

128. Reuben – “Behold, a son” or “Son” 

     Eldest son of Jacob and Leah, known for his role in the sale of Joseph.

129. Saul – “Asked for” or “Prayed for” 

     The first king of Israel, known for his rise and fall from God’s favor.

130. Seth – “Appointed” or “Placed” 

     Son of Adam and Eve, known for continuing the lineage after Abel’s death.

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