256 Cute Old Fashioned Girl Baby Names

In our fast-paced, modern world, there is something undeniably charming about old-fashioned girl names. These vintage monikers have a way of transporting us back to a bygone era, one brimming with elegance, grace, and romantic nostalgia.

Unlike trendy names that can feel fleeting, old-fashioned names carry a rich legacy and depth of character that has allowed them to stand the test of time.

They pay homage to our cherished histories while simultaneously feeling fresh and enchanting for new generations of little ones.

Apart from this they also often have a lyrical quality that makes them pleasing to the ear. The soft, melodic sounds of names like Celeste and Eloise can evoke a sense of calm and beauty. These names often come with a sense of gravitas and respectability, perfect for parents seeking a name with depth and significance.

Here are some potential advantages of choosing an old-fashioned girl name:


While classic names like Emma, Sophia, and Olivia are very popular today, old-fashioned names like Marigold, Opal, or Cordelia feel refreshingly unique. Giving your daughter an old-fashioned name helps her stand out from the crowd of trendier names.

Rich History and Meaning Many old-fashioned names have deep roots and fascinating etymological histories behind them. Names like Beatrice (she who brings happiness), Prudence (prudent), or Iris (rainbow) carry beautiful symbolic meanings. Choosing an old name connects your child to generations past.

Timeless Quality
Unlike many newly coined names or novelty names based on celebrities or products, old-fashioned names have a timeless, ageless beauty to them. A name like Elizabeth or Catherine will never sound outdated. Old names have survived centuries for a reason – their classic appeal.

Family Legacy Reviving an old family name from your ancestry, like Ida, Nellie, or Gertrude, allows you to honor your heritage and pass down a meaningful name within your family tree. Using an old name celebrates your family legacy.

Distinctive Style Old-fashioned names have a lovely, romantic vintage style to them. They evoke a sense of nostalgia and gentility. Names like Millicent, Hazel, or Eugenia give a daughter’s name a refined, dignified flair.

So in essence, old-fashioned girl names allow modern parents to go against the name trend while choosing a moniker brimming with history, character, and graceful charm.CopyRetry

Here are 256 old-fashioned girl names:

1. Abigail
2. Ada
3. Adelaide
4. Adeline
5. Agatha
6. Agnes
7. Alma
8. Amelia
9. Amelie
10. Amos
11. Annabelle
12. Anne
13. Arabella
14. Arlette
15. Astrid
16. Audrey
17. Augusta
18. Ava
19. Beatrice
20. Bertha
21. Bette
22. Blanche
23. Callie
24. Camille
25. Caroline

Girl baby Names

26. Cecelia
27. Cecilia
28. Celeste
29. Charlotte
30. Chloe
31. Clara
32. Claudia
33. Clementine
34. Constance
35. Cordelia
36. Cora
37. Daphne
38. Dorothy
39. Edith
40. Effie
41. Eliza
42. Elizabella
43. Ella
44. Eloise
45. Elva
46. Emilia
47. Emilie
48. Emma
49. Esther
50. Estelle

Girl baby names

51. Etta
52. Eudora
53. Eugenia
54. Eva
55. Evelyn
56. Felicity
57. Fiona
58. Flora
59. Florence
60. Francesca
61. Frances
62. Gaia
63. Gemma
64. Genevieve
65. Gerta
66. Gertrude
67. Gilda
68. Grace
69. Greta
70. Gwendolyn
71. Hattie
72. Hazel
73. Helen
74. Henrietta
75. Hilda
76. Ida

Girl baby name

77. Inez
78. Ingrid
79. Iona
80. Iris
81. Isabel
82. Isabelle
83. Isadora
84. Ivy
85. Jane
86. Jemima
87. Jessamine
88. Josephine
89. Judith
90. Julia
91. Juliet
92. Katie
93. Lara
94. Lavinia
95. Leona
96. Lilian
97. Lillian
98. Lillie
99. Lola
100. Louisa
101. Lucille

Girl baby names

102. Lucinda
103. Luella
104. Lula
105. Lydia
106. Mabel
107. Madeline
108. Mae
109. Margot
110. Maria
111. Marianne
112. Marjorie
113. Martha
114. Matilda
115. Maude
116. Mavis
117. May
118. Mildred
119. Millie
120. Minnie
121. Miriam
122. Molly
123. Myrtle
124. Naomi
125. Nell

Girl baby names

126. Nellie
127. Nora
128. Olive
129. Olivia
130. Opal
131. Ophelia
132. Paisley
133. Pamela
134. Pauline
135. Pearl
136. Penelope
137. Phoebe
138. Phyllis
139. Polly
140. Poppy
141. Prudence
142. Rachel
143. Rebecca
144. Rhoda
145. Rose
146. Rosemary
147. Ruby
148. Ruth
149. Sadie
150. Sally
151. Samantha

Girl Baby Names

152. Sarah
153. Selena
154. Sophia
155. Stella
156. Susan
157. Susannah
158. Tabitha
159. Tess
160. Thelma
161. Theresa
162. Thomasina
163. Tilly
164. Una
165. Ursula
166. Valentina
167. Valerie
168. Vera
169. Veronica
170. Violet
171. Virginia
172. Vivian
173. Willa
174. Willow
175. Winnie
176. Winifred

Girl baby names

177. Zelda
178. Adah
179. Albertine
180. Alfreda
181. Alvina
182. Antoinette
183. Avis
184. Beda
185. Belinda
186. Birdie
187. Blodwyn
188. Cathleen
189. Chastity
190. Christabel
191. Clover
192. Coralie
193. Cressida
194. Della
195. Drusilla
196. Dulcie
197. Dusty
198. Earnestine
199. Ebba
200. Edelweiss
201. Elena

Girl baby names

202. Elfrieda
203. Elmira
204. Elnora
205. Erin
206. Eudocia
207. Eulalia
208. Evangeline
209. Fatima
210. Fidelia
211. Fleur
212. Flossie
213. Francine
214. Gail
215. Geneva
216. Gilda
217. Giselle
218. Gretchen
219. Gwyneth
220. Harriet
221. Hepzibah
222. Hermione
223. Hertha
224. Hilma
225. Honora
226. Ianthe

Girl baby names

227. Imelda
228. Imogene
229. Iphigenia
230. Ivonne
231. Jacqueline
232. Jessamyn
233. Jessie
234. Jezebel
235. Jocelyn
236. Johnnie
237. Joleen
238. Jovita
239. Jovitha
240. Judith
241. Leonie
242. Letitia
243. Luvenia
244. Lydia
245. Maisie
246. Malvina

Girl baby names

247. Marcella
248. Mathilda
249. Melba
250. Millicent
251. Minerva
252. Minnie
253. Octavia
254. Odette
255. Oralee
256. Oralie

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