12 Simple Steps to make your 11 year old kids eat more

As a parent, one of the most common challenges we face is ensuring our children have a healthy and balanced diet. It can be frustrating when our kids become picky eaters or lose interest in meals, leaving us worried about their nutrition intake.

Recently, one of my subscribers reached out, seeking advice on how to encourage their 11-year-old child to eat more. As someone who has navigated this journey with my own children, I understand the struggles and the importance of finding effective strategies.

Over the years, through a combination of personal experiences, research, and learning from other parents, I’ve accumulated a wealth of knowledge on create interest for kids when it comes to food.

I’ve tried various approaches, some successful and others not so much, but each experience has taught me valuable lessons.

I’m excited to share with you the tips and techniques that have worked for me and many other parents. These strategies are not just theoretical concepts; they are practical, tried-and-true methods that have helped foster a positive relationship with food and encouraged better eating habits in children. Lets start

1. Get them involved: Children are more likely to eat and enjoy foods they’ve helped prepare. Involve your 11-year-old in meal planning, grocery shopping, and cooking. Let them choose a new recipe to try each week or have them assist with simple tasks like measuring ingredients or tossing a salad.

2. Make it fun: Presentation can go a long way in making meals appealing to kids. Cut foods into interesting shapes with cookie cutters or arrange them creatively on the plate to create a smiley face or a picture. You can also let them create their own food art or “monster” plates.

3. Variety is key: Offer a variety of colors, textures, and flavors to keep meals interesting and appealing. Include a mix of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats at each meal.

4. Lead by example: Children often mirror the eating habits of their parents and family members. Make sure you’re setting a good example by eating the same nutritious foods you want them to eat.

5. Portion control: Avoid forcing your child to clean their plate, as this can lead to overeating and a negative association with food. Instead, offer smaller portions and allow them to ask for more if they’re still hungry.

6. Regular meal times: Establish regular meal and snack times to prevent excessive hunger, which can lead to overeating or reaching for less nutritious options.

7. Smoothie boost: Smoothies and milkshakes can be a tasty way to sneak in extra fruits, veggies, yogurt, milk, or protein powder. Let your child choose their favorite ingredients and blend them together.

8. Hide the veggies: If your child is resistant to certain vegetables, try hiding them in foods they already enjoy, like pasta sauces, soups, casseroles, or baked goods.

9. Dips and sauces: Offer dips or sauces they enjoy for dipping raw vegetables, which can make them more appealing and fun to eat.

10. Stay hydrated: Sometimes, thirst can masquerade as hunger. Make sure your child is well-hydrated throughout the day by offering water, milk, or other healthy beverages.

11. Patience and persistence: It can take many exposures to a new food before a child accepts it. Be patient and continue offering a variety of nutritious options, even if they’re initially rejected.

12. Positive reinforcement: When your child does try a new food or eat a nutritious meal, praise them and express your appreciation. Positive reinforcement can go a long way in encouraging healthy eating habits.

Remember, every child is different, and what works for one may not work for another. It’s important to be patient, creative, and persistent in your efforts to encourage your 11-year-old to eat more and develop healthy eating habits. With time and consistency, they’ll be more likely to embrace a varied and nutritious diet.

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